Tuesday, November 30, 2010

If I had a shiny, red nose like Rudolph's...

This week we had fun thinking about what we would do if we had a shiny red nose like Rudoph's. We will be using Microsoft Word to type our stories and then print them for you to read. Please stop by our hallway after the Christmas concert to enjoy our ideas. In the meantime, we are curious about others ideas. To really help make this a global activity, we would love for you to add your idea to our WallWisher site which is embedded below. All you need to do is click on 'post a sticky' on the wall below and a new window will open up for you. Double click anywhere on the wall and sticky note will appear for you to put your idea on. Feel free to pass this challenge on to aunts/uncles, grandmas and grandpas as well. Thank you for helping to make the world our classroom. :-)

On a side note, I am looking for a gently used Candy Land game for our classroom. If you or someone you know has one that you are no longer using and would be willing to donate to our class it would be much appreciated. I am planning to modify it to help us learn our sight words.


  1. If I had a shiny, red nose I could read my favorite book under my blankets all night long! Mrs. Bogacz

  2. If I had a shiny, red nose, I would move to the North Pole so I could be Rudolph's substitue. If he ever got sick, I could lead Santa's sleigh!
    Mr. Van
