Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas Festivities

Hello all,
Just a few odds ‘n ends for you as our Christmas festivities draw near. Your child will also be bringing this information home in their D.O.G. binder on Monday evening as many of you stated that paper copies of our newsletters, etc are beneficial.

First, a reminder that our Winter Around the World concert is THIS Thursday. There will be a rehearsal from 9:00-10:15 on Thursday and the official program will begin at 1:15. You are welcome to attend either performance.

Next, if you would be able to supply an ingredient for our classroom holiday party treat, it would be greatly appreciated. We are in need of:
* Juice boxes
* Vegetable
* Fruit
* 1 box of sugar cones 
* 1 tub of green frosting
* 1 bag of gum drops
* 1 package of M&M’s (mini or regular)
* 1 bag of Skittles
* Other candies that could be used for tree decorations
Third,as an entire first grade, we will be enjoying a Poar Express Day. We will be rotating to each teacher's room where we will enojoy a learning activity centered around the story. On Thursday, as part of our party, we will watch the movie together. If your child would like to, they are welcome to wear their pagamas to school. More info to come soon.

Last, don’t forget about our holiday book exchange. Students should bring a wrapped, $4.00 or less book to school for their gift no later than next Monday, 12/20. For those that ordered their books from the book order, I will send them home as soon as they arrive so you can wrap them and attach your gift tag.
If you have any questions, about any of the above information, please don’t hesitate to call, jot a note, or send an email.

Thank you and Merry Christmas!

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