Mystery Readers, Me Bags and More...
We had 2 mystery readers this week in our class. Mr. Sufka came in Thursday and read a Pete the Cat book ( can you believe he brought a cat book to the dog room?)and then he read one of my favorites, Purple, Green and Yellow by Robert Munsch.
Our new Associate Principal, Mr Zurko came today and read 2 of his favorites including a book called, Goldilocks Rocks which was a cute spin off on the classic Goldilocks.
We also spent time getting to know each other this week to build community in our classroom. We've been showing our Me Bags, a few every day to find out more about each other. We have a lot of tractor lovers and soccer fans in our room this year. It's been fun to hear about the things that each person has brought. We'll be finishing our last 3 Me Bags next week and then doing an iPad project with our objects before bringing our bags home.
Another activity that we did this week was to find friends that had similar interests and likes to ours. Each kiddo had a sheet that gave them a variety of things such as: Do you like ice cream? Do you like the beach? Do you like dogs? (not sure who was able to answer that question) and they then mulled around the room introducing themselves to each other and asking each other if they liked these certain things. It gave everyone a chance to chat in an informal way and to break the ice a bit more. It was a fun activity for all!
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