Thursday, October 8, 2015

Pic Collage and measuring

Our target today in math was to measure using non-standard units. We talked about how many years ago things were measured in cubits which is the distance from the tip of your fingers to your elbow. We then made cube trains to represent the length our our cubits and then compared them to the length of a book. Kiddos then went around with their cubit trains looking for examples of items in the room that were about the same length as their cubit. They were asked to find at least 3 items and take a picture of each. We then learned how to use the app, PicCollage for Kids (one of our favorites in 1st grade) where each student uploaded their pics, chose a background and learned how to add text and change the font. This was an introductory lesson to using the app and how we use it to show our learning. We will be sharing these with you as our iPads by this afternoon will be set up to send our learning to you. Be on the lookout for an email from your child with today's PicCollage attached. You will not need the app to view their creation. We'll have lots more of our learning starting to come home in the coming weeks now that we have this capability.


We ran into a glitch with getting our email up and running today so I apologize that you didn't receive our PicCollages last night. 
I have found a more first-grade, user friendly way for us to share our learning with you that comes with rave reviews from many of my Apple Distinguished Educator colleagues. We're going to give it a try and see how it goes. I am hoping to get your feedback as well once we have used it for a bit. I'll be sending an email with info as well as a note home this evening.

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