Sunday, January 17, 2016

It's Martin Luther King Jr Day

As part of our Social Studies curriculum we study famous Americans, which includes Martin Luther King Jr. In addition to watching the BrainPopJr video above, we will also be reading several books about his life as well. As we read and watch, we will be collecting and discussing interesting facts and information about his life.

BrainPopJr is a subscription site and as such you will not be able to view the above video without logging in. If you are interested in viewing, feel free to contact me and I will send you the username and password as I cannot post it online. 

Our smartboard sort of then and now
We also discussed how things were back in the 50's and 60's and compared it to how things are now. I had several examples that we sorted on the Smartboard. We had a great discussion and I was so proud of everyone and their feelings of how we should all be treated equally.

We also watched this Reading Rainbow story. Enjoy! Such a powerful message for us all to remember!

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