This week we have some good, bad, and exciting
things happening with our iPod Touches.
things happening with our iPod Touches.
The bad news is that all of our previous information has been wiped clean with the restore, so off we go to earn back the levels that we were on.
The exciting news is that we will have email addresses through our iTouches as of Monday. My intent is for your child to be able to email me their creations from their iPod. One of the goals of our model technology classroom is to be able to create and collaborate and this will allow us to do just that. I will have tight control of this and your child will have limited access at this time- they will be able to email me and you at this time.
I know that some of you have iPods or iPhones or iPads at home and are looking for good apps for your child. Below are just a few of the ones that we are using at school that you may want to add to your devices at home.

Yet another app for addition and subtraction fact practice,Pop Math Lite . We are going to begin using this one this week. It is free in the app store and is available for iPod and iPad.
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